McAfee SpamKiller is a great tool for keeping your inbox free of unwanted messages. It can quickly detect and remove potential spam emails, while also allowing you to customize content filters to avoid false positives. The integration into your system is seamless, and you can be sure that you’re only reading the messages that you need. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to keep their inbox clean!
Get the email you want and nothing else. McAfee SpamKiller quickly and easily helps you stop spam from polluting your inbox with advanced rule-based and list based filtering.
SpamKiller is THE Leading Anti-Spam Product for Consumers and Small Businesses
With fraudulent, inappropriate and offensive emails being delivered in vast quantities to adults, children and businesses every day, spam protection is an essential component of your PC's security strategy. Whether you want to eliminate spam as quickly and easily as possible, or crave the power to fight back, McAfee SpamKiller is for you. No other email filtering solution offers so many features, or is as easy to set up and use.